Sunday, 19 June 2011

Be an inspiration

Ashley Mwanza

Spreading the word and doing anything to help at the same time is a great way to change other peoples' thoughts on the struggles of the world. It's as simple as telling your friends and family the difference you're making or the steps you're taking to help. With each new seed of influence planted in a person's head, the more likely that person is to one day take action themselves.

You may not see results immediately but keep at it. Stay positive, and stay happy, and stick to your beliefs. Over time, people will begin to see the kind of joy you live your life with and they'll want to be like you. Your efforts will have an impact even with people you never thought you could persuade! 

The chain of inspiration is the heart of civilization. All scientific and social advances are catalysed and carried forward by inspired links. You owe it to civilization and to life itself to be an inspiration for others around you. Without great role models, a community shrivels up and becomes decadent. If you are neither connecting to great men and women of the past nor inspiring the young ones for the future, you are not playing your role in this Universe! Be the inspiration others need today. 


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