Saturday, 12 September 2009

Patiently Persevere!

Ashley Mwanza

Dedicated to Luiz Gustavo Dido and Marco Antonio Olaya Carrion

Presented with a situation we can choose to capitulate or patiently face up to the long arduous fight till we victor. I was asked by Luiz and Marco, two great friends to write something on patience, at that point my mind just went blank but the more I contemplated on the topic I began to patiently string a few sentences together.
We have seen great people rise to the occasion, spare a thought and just imagine what would have happened had they conceded defeat at the first hurdle. Imagine what would have become of South Africa had Nelson Mandela given up in prison. However, he tirelessly fought and completed the race. After having read biographies of some successful people from the past and present times, I became amazed at the amount of patience they displayed, at their ability to bear heavy burdens only to emerge as stronger human beings. Hardship fell upon their heads like the lashing of freezing rain and yet they were as firm as mountains. And then, after some time had passed, they were rewarded for their patience with, success.
The logistical issues can be so overwhelming, but once you set your heart to it, there is no going back. In Frank Shorter’s words, “the potential elite runner must realize that hard means hard, easy means easy and they must patiently seek out what combinations work for them. They have to learn to be persistent and patient with their training and racing.“ Many a times we trudged on the wrong path, at that time it may have seemed to be the right path that you wanted, but having realised it was the wrong path, do you choose to throw in the towel or you patiently ride the tide and get yourself back on track. You can easily be paralysed by the immensity of the task but be assured your patience, your waiting is not in vain if you put your heart to it. The results may not come today, however it will be worth the wait so maybe tomorrow.
All your fears can take over if you let them, we often find ourselves saying “enough of this!” And then we stop, but that is when we should rise and face the problem, enough of it, get rid of it by fighting it. Yes there are things in life that are not worth the fight at all, that is when priorities come into play, what is necessary, what is important, and what must be achieved. The Quran has a good section on patience, “...persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance” ; it goes on to say, “you shall certainly be tried and tested...and you do not pass the test unless you keep fighting.” And it is summed up by the words, “But if ye persevere patiently ...then that will be a determining factor in all affairs”. Keep fighting and you will win. In short it is saying there are battles in life and only those who face up to them will victor.
Only a minority of people meet hardship with a strong bearing and a patient countenance. But we must consider this, though it may seem obvious; if you or I will not be patient then what else is there for us to do? Do you have an alternative solution? Do you know of any better provision than patience?

Those that achieve greatness most likely had to surmount an ocean of difficulties and hardships before finally achieving success. Know that each time you escape a difficulty, you will have to face another. Through this constant conflict, you must arm yourself with patience. This is the way of the noble-minded: they face difficulties with firm resolution and they wrestle hardship to the ground.
“All good poetry is forged slowly and patiently, link by link, with ‘sweat and blood and tears’”- Alfred Douglas . Good things come to those who wait with perseverance and patience; but the impulsive and impatient person will pass from trouble to trouble. Like a restless wind the impatient person will never find peace or rest for his soul. If we rush in doing things we are bound to crash.

We are all running in a race, we must run with perseverance and patience and not with speed and haste; for as soon as we lose our patience in our endeavour to succeed, we have already lost the race. Patience is what separates winners from the losers. And so perhaps in the meantime “hurry slowly” in matters that are low on your priority list. First things first. Have patience, no matter what the difficulty and no matter how dark the road ahead seems. For truly, with patience comes victory, and with difficulty relief follows close behind.


  1. Wonderful absolutely wonderful!

  2. I will be patient from now on.

  3. Wow, and Mr Mwanza keeps on amazing us with his expertise.

  4. This is a masterpiece President Ashley!

  5. Patience is the key for perseverance.

  6. “All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope” (Alexandre Dumas Père)

  7. In the words of St. Augustine... Patience is the companion of wisdom.


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