people get a big thrill from boasting about their accomplishments or showing
off their possessions. They've convinced themselves that they’re better than
others are. The fact is, some folks let success go to their head, and they gain
a weird satisfaction from pushing people around. That’s wrong. On the other
hand, just as it’s disgusting for the “haves” to look down on others, it’s
equally disdainful for “have-nots” to resent those who've worked hard and have
rightfully earned their success.
truth is, all the money in the world doesn't make you a better person. It
simply means that you have more money. Real wealth is achieved by appreciating
what you already have in life. After all, money can’t buy everything. It can’t
buy a close-knit family, good friends, a clear conscience, work-life balance, a
happy home, a second chance in life, among other things.
Money and success can’t buy a person’s trust or guarantee a good reputation. You earn these through your words AND actions. There’s nothing more valuable in life than integrity. Trust me!
don’t let success go to your head. Be humble. Humility is a sign of strength,
not weakness. People with humility possess an inner peace. They’re modest about
their achievements, grounded in their values, and they have nothing to prove to
others. They’re down to earth, comfortable in their own skin, and quietly
proud. Humble people shift their focus from taking to giving, from talking
about themselves to listening to others, from hoarding the credit to deflecting
the praise, and from being a “know-it-all” to knowing there’s so much more in
life worth learning. There’s no ego, no pretense, and certainly no
gamesmanship. Humble people are authentic. As C. S. Lewis said, “Humility is
not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”
Just what I needed to hear I will definitely share this. Thank you