Thursday, 2 December 2010

Keep going, keep trying

Ashley Mwanza

“Never, never give up because I can always see the coast and it brings me courage all the time. This is what the girl who swam across the English Channel successfully answered when the reporter asked what had made her reached her goal. She said that she chose a very sunny day to make sure that she can see her hope and just went for it. To be able to see the goal helps us a lot when we feel frustrated somewhere and even almost lose our confidence. In the long term to success, hope is our belief and it can make us be very strong when we face great difficulties and even want to quit. Some people failed simply because they lost their sight of their “coast” although they are very qualified and capable.

Glendalough, County Wicklow, Ireland.

I'm getting pretty tired of trying to make the best out of what, for all intents and purposes isn't good news. I think this is what I've been trying to do, not always successfully. Continuous exertion may sound very exhausting and thus, it is understandable even if some people suggest it should be better to give up sometimes. It is true at some points because the human race is not an almighty creature. However I would say it is not about giving up, but just changing a goal. Recognizing life events as a sequence, I think even when giving up something, it is just adjusting the goal to more reachable levels and processes for previous goals always play a role in reaching the next goal.

From what I have mentioned above, there is no doubt about favourable influences of continuous exertion. Whether you agree or disagree with the intellections in this ‘write-up’, people keep trying by nature and it does make us alive. When I have no energy left trying, I simply keep it on my mind so as not to miss any possibilities. In other words, it is possible to keep trying even when feeling like giving up. Thus, I strongly believe that we should never give up.

We may fail sometimes but that absolutely does not mean that we will fail every time. Thomas Edison, one of the most famous inventors in the 20thcentury, tried more than one thousand times before he found out that tungsten was the right material for the electric bulb, and so as most of the great scientists in many fields. When you face failures never give up and always tell yourself to stick to what you are doing. You are not likely to achieve a great success by the first try. The real success is always based on a great deal of failure. It is good for me to write on this blog and share these tough times with people an offer some kind of hope. It’s funny, I don't actually feel like I'm writing for an audience, but somehow feel more connected through this form of communication.

All I can say is; keep trying no matter how hard it seems.


  1. Keep trying Ashley :-)

  2. Thank you so much for this, just what i need, you're the best, always writing positively...


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