Ashley Mwanza

In life, there are many things that we have to learn to let go. We have to let go of situations, things, memories, people and even ourselves.
Do you crave the peace, calm and beauty greater organization would offer you? And yet, at the same time, dread the process of getting there? For many, the mere thought of letting go creates an almost insurmountable obstacle for getting more organized. And yet … letting go of excess possessions with the price tags still attached, and incomplete projects, along with letting go of old habits and beliefs about organizing is key to creating a future filled with greater calm, control, and organizational bliss. Hence that means a better world for you and us all.
It's easy to form an attachment to people and things. When you've formed an attachment to people and things, it can be a very painful experience and feeling when you realized that it's time to let go. Even the mere thought of not having that person or thing in your life just squeezes your heart in pain.
Letting go of your past and memories are also extremely hard. Even though old memories can be tormenting, yet you might hold on to the past and refuse to move forward. However, by refusing to let go of the painful past, it'll serve as a roadblock to love.
Letting go of your old self and the process of letting the new you emerge can be one of the scariest experiences in your life. But by leaving behind your old self and taking a leap of faith into the unknown, it might just reveal what you are truly capable of becoming.
“Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” Anonymous
Remember letting go doesn’t mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be. But decisions made in haste can be a colossal impediment to progression, simply let go of the unnecessary and be careful of that which you call necessary.
Now let us move on. Let us look forward, with the wind at our backs, guiding us along.
You can never be boxed up, thrown away, or forgotten.
Great work Ash!