Friday 23 November 2012

Let us go forth and create pearls and diamonds!

Ashley D. Mwanza

THE oyster takes an irritating piece of sand and turns it into a pearl. It is through great pressure that diamonds formed. 

Trials are going to come our way. They'll find us regardless whether we're by ourselves or in a crowd. The trials and problems we face can either turn us to diamonds and pearls or they can destroy us. It's a matter of how we deal with them.

It's not the times of peacefulness and calm that helps shape who we are. It's the times of turmoil and stress. Quitting is seldom the answer, but most of us have done it at one time or another. So know that you have the strength to overcome and persevere through the trial.

No longer talk about what a fighter ought to be, but be such. I believe that people who face their problems understand that the first step in solving a problem is to begin; the willpower to begin!

Let us go forth and create pearls and diamonds!


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